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Q: How did the doe win the big animal race answers?
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Why did the doe win the big animal race?

She passed the buck

When was The Big Doe Rehab created?

The Big Doe Rehab was created on 2007-12-03.

What animal does a doe give birth to?

A fawn.

The female of what animal is called a doe?


How did the doe win the race?


Which animal's mother is a doe and dad is a buck?

The Deer

What are the names of the female animals?

The names of a female animal depends on the animal. ex: deer -> doe

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Being a Pashtun means to be the superior race in all of Afghanistan, that they are the purest race, according to Assef.

How doe particles move?

a big dude farts

What is the difference between a hind and a doe?

A hind is a female deer and a doe is the female of an animal specie e.g rabbit,deer etc

What animal have a doe as a female?

It is a female deerBetter known as a female deer, but also a female goat

What doe the smooth er do in an animal cell?

its the opposite of a rough er