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Q: How did Rikki-tikki-tavi come to live with the English family?
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How do you learnning English?

You can get an online coach or use a translator. Immersion is the best technique: live with a family that speaks English. You can also take English language classes.

What is 'Live as you will die tomorrow Dream as you will live forever' when translated from English to Italian?

"Live as you will die tomorrow! Dream as you will live forever!" in English is Vivi come se dovessi morire domani! Sogna come se dovessi vivere per sempre! in Italian.

Do baby turtle live with their family?

No they are on their own from the moment they come out of the egg.

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he was lonely after grandma died

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we all live in a family

Does English people want the royal family?

Well, some do and some don't most don't though because I have friends there and they say that the English Royal Family live off of their money. The taxes that the English Citizens pay are given to the Royal Family. So, put it this way, the Royal Family is payed to live in big beautiful castles and look pretty and live and easy life and still get payed. Honestly, the members of the family are very nice and funny (I know them personally, well my friend does and she introduced them to me).

Why do I have to learn English?

You do not have to learn English if you don't live in a country with the official language as English, such as the United States of America. If you do come to the U.S.A. then you must learn.

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Days are where we live. They come, they wake us time and time over. Phillip Larkin, English poet.

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Vivere ogni giorno come se fosse l'ultimo in Italian means "To live every day as if it were the last" in English.

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they do not live in a family

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They can live in small or big families. I come from a family of 8, but there are still small families in the USA.

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