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Pancakes taste good because they are fluffy, and the narrator says he likes fluffy things so he must like dogs because they bark. The dog barking makes the pancakes fluffy, which in turn makes the narrator like children because they cry. The child crying makes the dog bark, which in turn makes the narrator like men because they comfort their babies. The man caring for their babies make pancakes because the baby cries then the dog barks then the pancakes fluff. That is the theory of evolution.

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Q: How did Charles Darwin accomplish the evolution theory?
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Charles Darwin

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Edwin Darwin did not propose a separate theory on evolution. The theory of evolution is commonly attributed to Charles Darwin, who put forth the concept of natural selection as the mechanism driving evolution. Edwin Darwin does not have a notable theory associated with evolution.

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Charles Darwin. Also known as Darwin's Theory of Evolution.

What do Charles Darwin have to do with evolution?

he developed the theory of evolution by natural selection.

How did Charles Darwin have in impact on the world?

Charles Darwin was the British scientist who created the theory of evolution.

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Charles DArwin