

How can lions be saved?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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12y ago

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If the law against poaching is enforced properly then the amount of lions around could increase. But where there's lions, there's poachers and there will probably always be someone who wants a fur coat (heck knows why...) so lions can never be truly saved and safe but if everyone campaigns enough and donates money to projects like adopting a lion then maybe everyone can keep them around for a little longer.

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white lions can be saved from extinction if people stop hunting them,and they need to have parks for them so they would increase

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The Mountain lions are being saved by programs supporting the population. You yourself can help voulenteer to protect this endangered species.

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By doing two things. Conserving the lions habitat - people living near the jungles inhabited by lions must not encroach on forests. Stopping hunting - lions are killed by poachers and trophy hunters. There are laws that punish such hunters, but still poachers kill lions every year.

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Daniel was thrown into a den of lions. An angel came and protected him. Daniel was saved from being eaten by the lions through the protection and power of the angel.

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Yes. There was a small group of white lions in Kruger National Park, and someone decided they should be "saved." Today, most white lions are in captivity and bred for the white trait. See the white tiger page on, it says it applies to white lions too. Nasty stuff.

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No, according to the Bible, it was the angel of the Lord who shut the mouths of the lions and saved Daniel from harm in the den. There is no mention of Jesus physically entering the den in that account.

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Daniel was a Jewish prophet who lived in Babylonia during the exile between the First and Second Temple. He is probably most famous for being saved by God from the hungry lions.

Are lions native to India?

no there only used to represent the great kings of india tiger is then national animal of india!

Are the mom lions bigger than the dad lions?

No. Male lions, and therefor all father lions, are, as a general rule, are considerably larger than female lions (mother lions).

Do people have lions has pets?

Lions can't be pets. People don't have lions as pets. Lions belong in the zoo. Lions are wildcats. Only at home cats can be as pets. Lions are from the African Jungle.

What is the colective noun for lions?

A group of lions are called a PrideA group of lions is called a pride.