The largest basking shark on record was 12.27 metres long and weighed 19 tons, though there have been unconfirmed larger ones found.
The average basking shark is about 6 to 8 metres long.
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The basking shark is the largest shark found in British coastal waters. It can grow up to 26 feet in length, but poses no threat to humans as it is a filter-feeder.
The second largest shark in the world is the basking shark. They can grow up to around 33 feet in length and are filter feeders, mainly consuming plankton and other small organisms. They can be found in temperate oceans around the world.
Some shark names that start with the letter "B" include bull shark, blue shark, and basking shark.
No, the basking shark is the 2nd biggest shark in the world but eat the same thing as the whale shark ONLY KRILL, YOU WOULDN'T FIT IN SIDE
No. Basking Sharks are COMPLETELY harmless. Although they may come across as gigantic and dangerous, they only feed on vegetation and small plankton. For an example you could compare a basking shark with a whale shark and find that they have many things in common.No they do not eat humans - they eat mostly small animals like plankton or minnows.
The basking shark is not an aggressive or dangerous shark.
The basking shark is the largest shark found in British coastal waters. It can grow up to 26 feet in length, but poses no threat to humans as it is a filter-feeder.
An Adult Basking shark has 500 teeth.
Well the basking shark eats mostly plankton.
=No!! But the Basking shark==does!=
Basking Shark
The Basking Shark
the basking shark feeds on plankton which lives in the water so all it has to do is swim around
basking shark
Cetorhinus maximus
cuz they bask the shark