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Procyonidae is a New World family of the order Carnivora. It includes the raccoons, coatis, kinkajous, olingos, olinguitos, ringtails and cacomistles.

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9y ago
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6mo ago

Raccoons are not directly related to the cat family (Felidae). They belong to the family Procyonidae, which includes other animals like coatis and kinkajous. Raccoons are more closely related to weasels and bears than to cats.

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9y ago

The baby raccoons may stay with their mother through the winter of their first year. After that they take off on their own. The father has nothing to do with raising the young after he breeds with the female.

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10y ago

Raccoons and rats are not related at all. Rats are in the rodent family and raccoons belong to the carnivora family.

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14y ago

Yes. Usually the parent raccoons take care of the children.

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9y ago

Procyonidae includes the raccoons, coatis, kinkajous, olingos, olinguitos, ringtails and cacomistles.

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9y ago

Raccoons belong to the family procyonidae.

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9y ago

Raccoons and cats are in entirely different families, they are not related.

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12y ago

Raccoons belong to family Procyonidae.

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Q: How are raccoons related to the cat family?
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Related questions

Are raccoons related to dogs?

No, raccoons are procyonids, not canids. Procyonidae is a New World family of the order Carnivora. It includes the raccoons, coatis, kinkajous, olingos, olinguitos, ringtails and cacomistles.

Are giant pandas in the raccoon family?

No, they are not related. Pandas are in the bear family and raccoons are procyonids - raccoon family.

Are red pandas closely related to raccoons?

No. They do not belong to the bear family OR the raccoon family. Both possibilities have been thoroughly researched and red pandas are not closely related, but, as all animals are, are distantly related to both. They have been placed into a new family all their own, called the Ailuridae family. They have been placed in the genus Ailurus, and have been given the scientific name Ailurus fulgens, or 'shining cat'.

Is a raccoon part of the bear family?

The common raccoon (Procyon lotor) is related to both! The Latin-word designation 'Procyon' meansbefore dog. And yet, they are known as 'the bear's little brother' because they are distantly related to the bear family.

What are some extant animals that are related to the raccoons?

Raccoons belong to the procyonidae family. It also includes the coatis, kinkajous, olingos, olinguitos, ringtails and cacomistles.

Are raccoons related to red pandas?

Yes, red pandas are related to both raccoons and weasels.

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Are raccoons related to weasels?

Raccoons and weasels are not closely related. Raccoons belong to the Procyonidae family, while weasels belong to the Mustelidae family. They share some similarities in appearance, such as a long body and pointed snout, but they have different behaviors and ecological roles.

What are cougars?

a cat that is related to the lion family

Are pandas related to raccoons?

No, pandas are not closely related to raccoons. Raccoons are closely related to coatis, kinkajous, olingos, olinguitos, ringtails and cacomistles.

Are dogs in the cat family?

No and neither are cats, foxes, ferrets, weasels, raccoons, badgers, wolverines, or skunks. They are all in the carnivore family.

Are pandas related to anything?

The Giant Panda is a bear, native to central-western and south western China.