The tusks of the elephants are made into the keys of a piano.
an elephant is an elephant , an elephant never breaks its promises
The elephant was not given a special name on the show. It was simply "elephant."
There are 3 elephant species in the genus loxodonta(African Elephant): African Elephant, African Bush Elephant, and African Forest ElephantThere is only 1 elephant species in the genus Elephas maximus (Asian Elephant), but it can be divided into 4 sub-species.
The Asian Elephant has the smallest ears, of the current existing species (African Bush Elephant, African Forest Elephant, and Asian Elephant or Indian Elephant). However, when alive, the Mammoths had the smallest ears.
They both sound like a piano.
they has keypad
The tusks of the elephants are made into the keys of a piano.
both have tusks.
They both are in the string family of music.
they both have families and care for them ,most of the.timewe are different and alike .
Elephants are being endangered by people because people use elephant tusks for piano keys.
They are all made of eukaryotic cells
A piano keyboard has keys, and a door needs a key to be locked and opened so a piano and door are alike because both have/need keys.
"Für Elise" by Ludwig van Beethoven