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Both cause problems for others.

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Q: How are Charles and the narrator in Top of the Food Chain alike?
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Related questions

How are Charles and the narrator in top of the food chain?

Both cause problems for others.

What is similar about Charles and the narrator in the top of the food chain?

Both cause problems for others

What is similar about Charles and the narrator in Top of the Food Chain?

Both cause problems for others

What is the same about the narrator in Top of the Food Chain and Charles?

both cause problems for others.

How are food chain and forest food alike?

food chain and forest are amost alike because foog chain make a snowly energy

How are a are a food chain and a food web alike?

the food chain and food web has someone or something eating each other.

In The Top Of The Food Chain the situation described by the narrator takes place in?

in The Top Of The Food Chain the situation described by the narrator takes place in? Borneo!

What does the narrator in the story Top of The Food Chain do a lot of?


Who is asking the narrator question in top of the food chain?

a senator

In Top of The Food Chain the narrator takes a tone?


Who is asking the narrator questions in 'top of the food chain'?

a senator

What role does the senator play in Top of the Food Chain?

He is the narrator's audience.