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Yes, Argos, his dog that was very young before he left home, was now about 20 years old. He looks up at Odysseus, wags his tail, and dies.

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Q: Dose Odysseus dog die when he comes home?
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Do hornets die in the winter?

The workers and the male hornets of the nest day off as winter approaches. The queen moves out of the nest and finds a place such as a whole in a wall or tree to lay dormant till the warmer weather comes back. They do not reuse the same nest the following year.

How many zolpidam need to die?

Zolpidem is normally taken as a 10mg dose to counteract insomnia. Fatal doses have been recorded with 100 times this amount found in the bloodstream. However a dose of 20 times the normal amount may be considered hazardous, especially where other intoxicants have been ingested. I used to know a middle-aged woman who died in her sleep about a year ago and she would take a 60mg dose of this drug routinely along with two or three bottles of wine "to help her sleep". She was a chronic alcoholic with severe memory problems as a result.

What animal bones give us oil and how?

Crude oil comes from the ground after many millions of plankton die. This is a process that takes thousands of years. Plankton is actually a plant, not an animal.

What do taxidermists work with?

The skin of dead animals and chemicals. Taxidermy (which comes from the Greek word for "the arrangement of skin") is act of taking the skin of an animal and preserving it, by putting it on a fake body. Taxidermed animals can be mounted and put on display, sometimes in a museum or a home. Many hunters and fishermen taxidermine the animals they catch and kill for trophies. Ones that are on display in museums are used to make dioramas and for educational purposes. Some people taxiderm their pets after they die.

Is homemade clay safe for hamsters?

NOOO! Hamsters cannot do anything with clay and if they eat it they will die! Please dont put home made or any clay around Hamsters

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Why do Odysseus' men not get home?

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Does Odysseus die in the oddyssey?

Odysseus makes it home to Ithaca, and lives.

What prediction does Circe make to Odysseus about his journey home?

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They ate the sun god's cattle.

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Laërtes did not die, and eventually rejoined with Odysseus.

Why do all the suitors have to die in the Odyssey?

In "The Odyssey," the suitors die as punishment for their disrespectful and abusive behavior towards Penelope, Telemachus, and Odysseus' household. Their deaths also serve to restore order and justice to Odysseus' home and signify the re-establishment of Odysseus' authority as the rightful king.

Is it a coincidence that Argus dies right after Odysseus returns home?

No, that was meant to symbolize Argus' devotion to Odysseus-the dog refused to die until he had seen his master at least once

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Yes he does, Angelo shoots him and Tony finds him dead

What did the blind prophet Teiresias tell Odysseus?

Teiresias tell Odysseus many things about his journey home.The journey home will be tough for Odysseus because Poseidon still bears a grudge against Odysseus for blinding Polyphemus.When Odysseus reaches the isle of Thrinacia, he will find the Cattle of Helios.If Odysseus and his men touch the Cattle of Helios, Odysseus men will all die, and Odysseus will only return home in someone else's ship, with trouble at home. Circe later repeats this prediction.There will be many suitors in Ithaca, whom Odysseus must kill.Odysseus must make a journey with an oar until he reaches a place so far from the sea that people do not recognize the oar. There he shall set the oar as a shrine, and sacrifice to appease Poseidon.Odysseus will then die of old age, with a blessed kingdom.

Did Odysseus die?


According to Tiresias how will Odysseus die?

Tiresias predicts that Odysseus will die an old man at sea.