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No. The drones (male bees) are ejected from the colony at the end of the breeding season by the worker bees (infertile females).

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Q: Does the queen bee kill the boys?
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What would happen if a scout bee did not do his job?

The queen bee would kill it with its stinger. Because that's what the job is of the queen.

When would a queen bee use her stinger?

Only to kill another queen and for no other purpose.

How do you get a queen bee off of you?

If it is just a single bee then show a match stick near to it

How does a queen bee become queen bee?

a matter of size

What is a Queen bee called?

A queen bee is the dominant female bee in a colony. She is responsible for laying eggs and maintaining the hive's population.

What do queen bee do?

A honey bee queen is an egg-laying machine.

When the queen bee dies who becomes the new queen?

When the queen bee dies, her daughter becomes the new queen.

Is a bumble bee queen similar to a real queen?

Each species of bee has its own queen.

What is the reason for having a queen bee?

The reason that they have a queen bee is that the queen is the only one that makes the baby bees in the entire bee hive.

What is a queen bee?

The egg for queen bee like any other bee is laid and in the development stages it is fed with royal jelly.Those larva that get royal jelly develop into queen bees and r3est into workers and drones.

When was Queen Bee Entertainment created?

Queen Bee Entertainment was created in 1999.

What is the difference between the queen bee and the guard bee?

The difference between the queen bee and a worker bee is if u look in between their eyes, it should have a black or yellow nose between their eyes. If it is yellow its and guard bee if it is yellow its a queen bee.