no they dont<<<< actually rats CAN eat hamsters... males rats can be terrtorial and if a hamster enters their territory, then they will attack it and possibly eat it. Also, if they are very hungry, or starving, they will also eat them.
Periwinkle plants do not typically kill rats. While it may have certain properties that are repellant to rats, they are not a reliable method of rodent control. It is best to use proven methods such as traps or poison to effectively deal with rat infestations.
Use it for firewood and have a cookout or a campout!
Rats can carry diseases that can be harmful to humans and pets. In certain situations, rat infestations can pose health risks and cause damage to property. Killing rats is often seen as a way to control their population and prevent these issues.
Agile, intelligent, adaptable, resourceful.
total rations.
The leftover military explosives were put to good use demolishing burned-out buildings. The town's stray cats were taken to the warehouses and put to good use catching rats.
They tried to use it by tieing the female rats to the long black cable to raise the population of the rats of nimh
the men are going to use a knife to kill the rats?! JOKING! the men use a gas that can kill or cause them to faint/quizy
It is legal to use lab rats for research. Lab rats are only used for research and for making a cure for a deadly disease. It can't be used for anything else.
they use it for to keep cool
Rats have been known to eat petunias and carnations. You could get a cat or use poison. If you have animals that go outside, do not use poison.
You use a 22. rifle
In the book "Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH," the rats learn to stockpile and gather food from the library books they have access to. They use their intelligence and knowledge gained from reading to survive and thrive in their environment.
Rats can be trained to identify their names but if you dont use the rat's name while with it usually they will not be able to identify it
They simply make and use traps to catch rats, or they bait them with something. Their main job is just to catch rats, expell them into the dumpster, fire, or even an incinerater.