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Q: Does it take longer for first calf heifer to breed back?
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Is it safe to breed a Bull back with his daughter?

Not if you have no idea of the genetic and hereditary history of both going back several generations. You're better off, just to be safe, to breed the heifer to an unrelated bull.

Can a jersey heifer be bred a 8 months of age?

It is not recommended to breed a Jersey heifer at 8 months of age. It is generally recommended to wait until the heifer is at least 14-15 months old and has reached a weight of around 65% of mature body weight before breeding to ensure proper growth and development. Breeding too early can result in health and reproductive issues for the heifer.

How long after birth is cow ready to breed?

A cow is a female bovine that has already had a couple calves. Therefore, I believe you are asking about how long a cow is ready to breed after giving birth, which would be, on average, 45 to 60 days, depending on her condition and nutrition. Thinner cows tend to take longer to get back into cycling and may not be able to breed until 60 to 90 days after parturition. If you are referring to the colloquial version of a cow and this "cow" is in fact a calf, you will have to wait until at least a year (preferably at least 15 months) until this calf, turned heifer, is ready to breed.

How can you tell a heifer from a cow?

Heifers are young female bovines at or past weaning age that have never had a calf but may be pregnant with their first calf. Cows are mature female bovines that have had at least two calves.A heifer is a female bovine who has never given birth to a calf while a cow has and is older.

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What are the registration facts about a heifer cow?

Well either your registering a heifer or a cow, not a heifer cow or anything like that. She must be purebred, or have parents that can be traced back over the lineage, depending on what breed she is. You must have the papers of her sire and her dam (and they must be registered within the breed too) before you can register her. You must also be a member of that breed association before you can register any cattle.

Is it safe to breed a Bull back with his daughter?

Not if you have no idea of the genetic and hereditary history of both going back several generations. You're better off, just to be safe, to breed the heifer to an unrelated bull.

Can a jersey heifer be bred a 8 months of age?

It is not recommended to breed a Jersey heifer at 8 months of age. It is generally recommended to wait until the heifer is at least 14-15 months old and has reached a weight of around 65% of mature body weight before breeding to ensure proper growth and development. Breeding too early can result in health and reproductive issues for the heifer.

How long after birth is cow ready to breed?

A cow is a female bovine that has already had a couple calves. Therefore, I believe you are asking about how long a cow is ready to breed after giving birth, which would be, on average, 45 to 60 days, depending on her condition and nutrition. Thinner cows tend to take longer to get back into cycling and may not be able to breed until 60 to 90 days after parturition. If you are referring to the colloquial version of a cow and this "cow" is in fact a calf, you will have to wait until at least a year (preferably at least 15 months) until this calf, turned heifer, is ready to breed.

How can you tell a heifer from a cow?

Heifers are young female bovines at or past weaning age that have never had a calf but may be pregnant with their first calf. Cows are mature female bovines that have had at least two calves.A heifer is a female bovine who has never given birth to a calf while a cow has and is older.

How can i make a charbray cow from a charolais cow?

That's real easy. Breed the Charolais cow to a Brahman bull and you'll get your F1 Charbray calf. Mind you, it's a 50-50 chance you'll get a heifer (which will "turn into" a cow once she has a calf) over a bull, so you may want to breed the dam until you get a heifer from her, if all she throws is bull calves. Either that or get more than one Charolais cow (preferably over 50) and breed them to the Brahman bull to get your Charbray cattle. Also, Charbrays are actually 5/8 Charolais and 3/8 Brahman, so you might have to breed the F1 offspring back to a Charolais bull to get a true Charbray cow...or bull.

Can i put my male hamster back in the cage with the female after she had babies the babies are no longer here?

Yes, but be aware that they will breed again and the female will become pregnant.

When was the Friesian horse first discovered?

The breed's origins are not exact but they date back at least to the middle ages.

When did the breed of limousin cattle start?

They originated in South France, the first herd book dates back to 1886.

What do you call a heifer that cant reproduce. The heifer is not a twin.?

I would call her hamburger. Either that or a VERY expensive pasture ornament.This heifer may also be referred to as a cull because of this. It's best to get rid of her (turning her into the great food source as mentioned above), because she WILL turn into an expensive lawn ornament, or an animal that will take your money from you and give you nothing back in return!

Can a heifer be pregnant coming in heat and starting to lactate?

No. A pregnant heifer will rarely come into heat, and her heat period will only be once or twice during her pregnancy, then stop until after she has her calf. But she will not go into heat and start to lactate at the same time she's bred. She can only either be pregnant and have a small chance of coming into heat, or be pregnant and start to lactate (which only happens when she is nearing the end of her pregnancy).

Were Arabian horses first bred in the middle ages?

No. The Arabian horse breed is one of the oldest and goes back to prehistory.