Animals that prey on cape hares include jackals, leopards, eagles, and large snakes. Additionally, wild cats such as servals and caracals have been known to hunt cape hares for food.
This is a miss-spelling of the word coprography. The trait of some animals such as lagomorphs (Rabits, Guinea Pigs and Hares) to eat their own faeces (dung)
Hares are preyed upon by a variety of predators including foxes, coyotes, owls, hawks, eagles, and bobcats. These animals feed on hares as part of their natural diet due to their abundance in many habitats.
Wild hares primarily feed on vegetation such as grasses, herbs, and leaves. They may also consume some fruits and crops when available. Hares have a herbivorous diet and rely on plant material for their nutrition.
Hares are herbivores and primarily feed on grass, herbs, and twigs. They also eat fruits, vegetables, and sometimes bark. Their diet is high in fiber and low in fat.
The Arctic Hare is a herbivore, and would not eat meat.
Animals that prey on cape hares include jackals, leopards, eagles, and large snakes. Additionally, wild cats such as servals and caracals have been known to hunt cape hares for food.
Arctic Hares do not eat Lemmings nor do they eat any meat. Arctic Hares are herbivores which means they only eat vegetation. Lemmings are also herbivores.
Bengal Tigers are carnivores. They eat large animals such as water buffalo and smaller animals like porcupines and hares. They will also eat domestic livestock.
Impalas, gazelles, the calves of wildebeest and zebra, even hares and large birds.
Owls, eagles, hawks, mountain lions, bobcats, wolves, and coyotes are known predators of hares.
Many animals in the desert eat grass - rodents, rabbits, hares, tortoises, deer, antelope, sheep, javelina and other hoofed animals.
snowy owls are the ones that mostly eat Arctic hares
A bear, because they eat meat and berries A bear, because they eat meat and berries
Some of the animals found in Edmonton are hares.
There are few animals that will eat most cacti as many are unpalatable and contain hallucinogenics. The prickly pear, however, is eaten by such animals as rabbits, hares, tortoises, deer and javelina.