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Q: Does ant body contain glass
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magnify glass
Related questions

What equipment do ant farms contain?

Basic ant farms contain no equipment, only a small space between panes of glass or plastic. More elaborate ant farms may be much larger and provide items for the ants to crawl on or through.

Why do ants burn under a magnifying glass?

When a magnifying glass focuses sunlight onto an ant, it concentrates the sunlight to a small spot, increasing the intensity of the heat at that point. The intense heat causes the ant's body tissue to burn, resulting in harm or death to the ant.

How do you spy on an ant?

with a magnifying glass

What body temperature does an ant have?

The ant's body temperature is according to place's temperature.

Is burning an ant with a magnifying glass considered as solar energy?

Yes, using a magnifying glass to burn an ant is considered utilizing solar energy. The magnifying glass focuses the Sun's rays to create heat that can burn objects, in this case, an ant.

What is the ant body structure used for protection?

what isthe body structure use for protection of a ant

What is stronger an ant or a horse?

Ant, in proportion to body size.

What body parts are common to ant and elephant?

What body parts are common to an ant and an elephant? In what way do they differ

What body parts Are commOn to an Ant and an Elephant?

What body parts are common to an ant and an elephant? In what way do they differ

What do you do with the ant hill on pocket god?

On the ant hill you use the magnifying glass to produce heat by the bottom of the ant hill. You can also catch your pygmys on fire by doing that.

7 letter word with ant a light in a glass case?


Does Miss America depression glass crystal contain lead?

Crystal glass contain lead.