Yes, actually.
Snakes have a digestive system like any other complex animal (just like people), and of course they have an opening to void waste.
In snakes, the opening is called a "cloaca" instead of an "anus."
coral snake
once a snake always a snake
its a state that is snake
A mother snake is typically called a "female snake" or a "dam."
The black snake that has a pattern on it is the ring snake.
Canebrake Cantil Cascabel Cascavel Cat-eyed snake Cat snake Chicken snake Coachwhip snake Cobra Collett's snake Colubrine Congo snake Copperhead Coral snake Cape coral snake Corn snake Cottonmouth Crowned snake Cuban wood snake
coral snake
once a snake always a snake
Neonate snake, Juvenile snake, or Baby snake.
black snake
its a state that is snake
A female snake is a snake that is a girl and a male snake is a boy .
cottonmouth snake
A zaocy snake is a kind of snake that does stuff
A mother snake is typically called a "female snake" or a "dam."
The black snake that has a pattern on it is the ring snake.
The garter snake is close to the water snake