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There just realy fat...fatter than a tiger

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5d ago

No, the size of a lion's tail does not necessarily indicate its overall body condition. A lion's tail may appear fat or skinny based on factors such as genetics, age, and health, rather than just its body weight.

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Q: Does a lion's tail being fat or skinny depict if the animal itself is fat or skinny?
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No, it is not ideal for a horse to be skinny at old age. Older horses may have difficulty maintaining weight due to dental issues, decreased digestion efficiency, or medical conditions. It is important to provide appropriate nutrition, including quality forage and possibly senior horse feed, to help maintain a healthy body condition in older horses. Regular veterinary check-ups and dental care are also important to address any underlying health issues.

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It's called being underweight or too skinny.

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no you cant die from being skinny but you can die if your to skinny if you think your to skinny you should ask your doctor you never know it might save your life.

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I would say tall and skinny because you can be a modle if you are and sometimes it better being skinny

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if you have small bone structure and you were born skinny, than no. if your body type is to be chubby or slightly chubby, then don't try to be skinny.