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jaguars and leopards have spots.

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Q: Does a jaguar have stripes or spots?
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What is the proper name for a jaguar's spots?

The spots on a jaguar are called rosettes.

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How many stripes are on a leopard?

leopard's have no stripes they have spots

Do jaguars have stripes?

Jaguars do not have stripes, they have a kind of spots.

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Can plant species be mixed?

yes, because when they cross or have "sex" the plants will make a plant with a mix between the two or one will have recessive, "hidden" trait. say a plant has spots and antoher plant has stripes. they cross, and then their child has spots and stripes, or just spots, and stripes is hidden, or just stripes, and spots are hidden.

Tiger is to stripe as leopard is to?

leopard is to spots

Does a jaguar have more spots than a cheetah?

a jaguar has no spots. Jaguars are completely black.

Does cheethas have spots or stripes?

They have spots. Their skin has a distinctive yellowish color with black spots all over its body. Tigers are the cats that have stripes in their body. Leopards and Jaguars have spots that are not circular and can be irregular in shape as well.

Do skunks have stripes or spots?

skunks are often black with white stripes. there are also skunks that are black with white stripes

How many spots are on a zebra?

None, it has stripes.

Can the boxfish change if they have spots or stripes?
