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It doesn't matter in which order you put in the chemicals. One is primarily for removing chlorine and providing a slime coat, while the other is building up your "good" bacteria.

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2mo ago

It is generally recommended to add Stress Coat first when setting up a new aquarium or performing a water change. Stress Coat helps to remove chlorine and chloramine from tap water, while also providing aloe vera to help reduce fish stress. Stress Zyme is typically added after to introduce beneficial bacteria for the aquarium's biological filtration.

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Q: Do you put in stress coat or stress zyme in first for an aqarium for fish?
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How do the scales and slime help the fish?

AnswerIt helps them swim easier.The slime coat of fish are the first and best defense against parasitic infections. Parasites such as ich and velvet have trouble attaching to the host fish through the slime coat.

My new crayfish won't eat and I need help?

Make sure you are providing the right food for your crayfish, such as sinking pellets or fresh vegetables. Ensure the water parameters are correct and the tank is clean. If the issue persists, consider seeking advice from a veterinarian specializing in aquatic animals.

When tiger fish get sick what color do they change?

When tiger fish get sick, they may change color to appear darker or faded. This change in color can indicate stress or illness in these fish.

What can be done when a fish has dropped its head?

If a fish appears to have dropped its head, it may be a sign of stress or illness. Ensure the water parameters are appropriate for the species, check for any signs of disease, and consider adjusting the diet or environment to alleviate stress. If the issue persists, seek advice from a vet specializing in fish health.

Why do molly fish die before giving birth?

There are several reasons why a molly fish might die before giving birth, including stress from poor water conditions, aggression from tankmates, lack of proper nutrition, or complications during pregnancy. It's important to ensure that the aquarium water is clean and well-maintained, and to provide a stress-free environment for the pregnant fish to increase the chances of successful delivery.

Related questions

Hello can you put stress coat and stress zyme in a fish tank at the same time?

Hi, i read that your meant to put in both yes. I do and there are no negative issues popped up. First stress coat then stress zyme.

What is the word aqarium in German?

Aquarium as in fish-tank means "Aquarium"

How many drops of stress coat do you use for your fish tank?

If you read on the back it will tell you but if you are a first time fish owner then a lot of people don't really read it but it is 1 teaspoon to every 10 gallons .

How is my betta fish's tale is slowly dissappearing?

Of course, try Stress Coat or BettaFix to help it grow faster.

Attractions in Atlanta?

coca cola museum!! they also have an amazing aqarium with the biggest glass window in the world... filled with fish of course..

What does the fish in the Barbados's coat of arm represent?

The fishing industry is represented by the fish in the Barbados's coat of arms.

Will you hurt your goldfish if you touch it?

Goldfish will learn to recognise their regular feeders and with carefull training will let their feeder stroke their underbelly gently. This is a difficult thing to do and should only be done by an expert who knows how to handle the fish without damaging the fishes protective coating of mucous.

What is the slime coat on a fish called?

The slime-coat on a fish is called the mucoproteincoating which is like a longer way of saying mucus coating.

Will the shredded fins and tail of a male betta fish heal?

Yes. My Betta's whole tail ripped off and it is growing back. Just put a couple drops off stress coat into the water.

How do you put mollies in salt water?

Slowly add drip, by drip.....from your saltwater aqarium . I use an air tube tied in a knot so it drips about 1 drip per secound. Drip directly from your aquarim into atleast a 2 gallon contaier . Put your fish and the water its in in your bucket. Then let drip on him until your contaier is full. When full pour half the water back into your aqarium. Simply let it fill up again . By the time its full your fish should be fully accimated

My fish won't let me pick them up. Is this normal?

Of course it's normal. Fish are not toys. They are living creatures who do not like to be picked up and if you insist on doing it you can expect the fish to die fairly soon from stress if not from other infections. Handling a fish damages its protective coating of slime. The next thing that happens after the slime coat is damaged is the fish gets a fungal infection and then it dies.

Does watching fish affect blood pressure?

Any activity that relieves stress or causes stress can have an effect on your blood pressure. If watching fish relieves stress for you, it can have the effect of lowering your blood pressure.