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they cant because they don't have he right teeth

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Q: Do wild pigs eat dead pigs?
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Can pigs eat fruit?

because pigs are omnivors they can eat almost any kind of food. pigs can eat bananas but in the wild they usually eat things like dead insects, worms, bark, garbich, even dead pigs! in the wild they will forage for food. they mainly eat leaves, grass, roots, frutes, and flowers.

Are wild pigs omnivores?

yes because they eat things like berries and dead things

A camparing of a monkey and a jaguar?

they both eat bugs and they both eat dead or alived wild pigs by:ciara roman

Will pigs eat dead bodies?

Yes, pigs are known for their scavenging behavior and will eat almost anything, including dead bodies if given the opportunity. However, it is important to note that this behavior is not natural or common in domesticated pigs, but it has been observed in the wild.

Do pigs really eat pigs or is that just a myth?

Pigs are omnivores and will eat meat, including other pigs if given the opportunity. This behavior is more common in wild or feral pigs rather than domesticated pigs, especially if they are not being fed a balanced diet.

What wild pigs eat?

Pigs are omnivorous, meaning they will eat just about anything available to them.

How do the caribs eat?

like wild pigs

Do any animals eat pigs beside pigs eating pigs?

Pigs normally do not eat pigs. It is a sign of desperation if one does do that. Otherwise, wild cats, wild dogs and scavengers will eat pigs.if pigs are hungry they will eat . Also mother sows sometimes eat their piglets or sit on them and kill them

Can pigs eat dead animals?


Why do wild cats eat guinea pigs?


What eats pigs that is an carnivore or a herbivore?

cheetahs eat wild pigs or warthogs and are carnivores

What do guinea pigs eat in the the wild?

In the wild, guinea pigs eat grasses, clover, dandelions, plantain, and sow thistle. There are other plants they can eat, but those listed above are the main ones.