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Turtles lay eggs. They do not give birth to live babies.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

No, they bury their eggs in the sand on a beach, then return to the sea, the eggs stay buried until they hatch.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

No. They abandon them as they are too tired after laying eggs.

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How long do sea turtles carry their babies?

Turtles lay eggs in shallow nests in the sand, and they hatch there.

Are turtles born in eggs?

Turtles lay eggs and therefore they 'hatch'. Turtles mate at sea and when the eggs are ready to be laid, the female comes ashore and digs a shallow nest in warm sand near the shore. She then returns to the water and never returns to the nest. After incubation the baby turtles hatch, scramble up out of the nest sand and make their way into the water.

Do turtles go underground while laying eggs?

Turtles lay their eggs underground [after digging a hole] they don't go underground with them.

Do sea turtles leave after they lay their eggs?

yea they only go the beach to lay there eggs then go back to the ocean............ the baby's care for themselves

Do the box turtles usually come back to their eggs after they are laid?

Absolutely NOT.

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Turtles lay what type of eggs?

Turtles lay chicken eggs (just kidding just kidding) turtles lay turtle eggs......

Why reptiles lay few eggs?

they dont Leather Back Turtles lay up to 80 eggs each

Do box turtles take care of their young?

they box other turtles to see who gets to keep the baby turtle.

How many kids could turtles could have?

A sea turtle can have over 100 eggs in once. But it is a little different with pet turtles. Pet turtles can have up to 5 or 8 eggs(Or maybe eggs up to 10). Box turtles can have 4, 3,or 2 eggs in once.

How many eggs did a sea turtle lay in its lifetime?

Sea turtles will lay aproximatly 50-200 eggs at a time.

Can boy turtles lay eggs?

No, male turtles can lay eggs.