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Yes squirrels do have nest,

they have their nest up high in trees but not too high in trees that the wind witth destroy the nest but high enough so that the ground preditors won't attack them

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14y ago
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8y ago

Yes, sometimes they are mistaken for bird's nests, these houses are called dreys. They also build nests in hollow tree cavities, these houses are called dens.

Yes they do.

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8y ago

In the wild they do but the squirrel needs to be wary all the time as a raccoon will have a good meal if the squirrel gets too close. In captivity they could not be housed together in the same pen.

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14y ago

Most squirrels do such as flying squirrels and coupe squirrels. i dont know many others than that.

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14y ago

yes, yes they do!

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12y ago

No, but a tin can?

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Q: Can squirrels and rats live together?
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Do squirrels and rats cohabitate in attic together?

Squirrels and rats generally do not cohabitate in the same space, as they are territorial and may compete for resources. If there is an infestation of both squirrels and rats in an attic, it is likely due to separate incidences of invasion rather than intentional cohabitation. Professional pest control measures are recommended to address such infestations.

What are gray squirrel relatives?

Gray squirrels are part of the Sciuridae family, which includes various squirrel species such as red squirrels, fox squirrels, and flying squirrels. They are all characterized by their rodent-like appearance, bushy tails, and habit of storing food for the winter.

What is smaller a squirrels nest or a rats?

A squirrel's nest is typically smaller than a rat's nest. Squirrels typically build compact nests in trees made of leaves, twigs, and moss, while rats create larger nests made of various materials like shredded paper, fabric, and plant matter in hidden spots.

Can two female rats live together?

Yes, some rats can live together. There are certain types of rats that dont like to live with each other. If you want 2 rats in the same cage, i would recommend getting 2 rats from the same species. Liek if your going to get a dumbo dwarf rat. You should get another dumbo dwarf so they live good with each other.

How many squirrels can live in an acre of a forest if fifty two squirrels can live in 20 acres of the forest?

If 52 squirrels can live in 20 acres of forest, then 1 acre of the forest can support approximately 2.6 squirrels (52 squirrels / 20 acres).

Related questions

Do squirrels lives in communities?

Squirrels live together.

Do rodents live in the Arctic?

Yes, lemmings, rats, arctic ground squirrels live in the Artic

Do black rats live in trees?

Black rats can also be called roof rats. Rats do not live in trees, usually in buildings, garbage cans, boxes and enclosures and near to where humans live. Black squirrels can look like rats sometimes, they do live in trees.

What animals compete with squirrels?

Two animals that compete with squirrels are rats and mice. They often live in the same areas and compete for food.

Do rats live more with more rats?

Yes. They like to live together.

What are 5 animals that live in a city?

Birds, Squirrels, Rats, Turtles, Humans and sometimes Snakes

Do kangaroo rats live alone?

No, they live together.

What are the enemies of a pika?

Rabbits, Squirrels, and Rats. Rabbits Eat their food. Rats steel their nests, and Squirrels eat them

Do squirrels live as families?

Squirrels certainly live in families. they are arboreal animals ( Tree-living) but are not primates. they are rodents, as are rats, mice, rabbits, etc.l

Why rats look like squirrels?

Rats and squirrels are both very similar animals. They are also both from the rodent family.

Do squirrels and rats cohabitate in attic together?

Squirrels and rats generally do not cohabitate in the same space, as they are territorial and may compete for resources. If there is an infestation of both squirrels and rats in an attic, it is likely due to separate incidences of invasion rather than intentional cohabitation. Professional pest control measures are recommended to address such infestations.

Do rodents live in the desert?

Yes, there is a large variety of rats, mice, squirrels and other rodents in the deserts around the world.