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My answer is yes out of all the types of seeds they eat they eat sunflower seeds.

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Q: Can squirrels eat sunflower seeds with shells?
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Is it safe to eat the shells of sunflower seeds?


Do squirrels eat raw sunflower seeds?

Yes! Squirrels love sunflower seeds. You can attract squirrels with the seeds, but if the seeds are for the birds, good luck to you trying to keep the squirrels out! They are clever creatures, and do impressive acrobatics just to get at the seed!

Competition occurs between specie when?

Chipmunks and squirrels eat sunflower seeds in a garden.

Do squirrels eat Black oil sunflower seeds?

Black oil sunflower seeds are similar to striped sunflowers seeds. However, they make better bird seed because the shells are thinner and the kernels are larger and have more oil content.

Can bunny's eat sunflower seeds?

Bunnies can have sunflower seeds as a treat in small amounts BUT they must be in their natural state & hulled (w/out shells) as they cannot digest the shells & unlike squirrels or birds, they're unable to use their paws or beaks to crack off the shell! Remember, everything in moderation. *Do not feed rabbits other tree nuts w/out further research.

What sent the lizards scurrying all over the place from holes?

The lizards live in these holes and Mr.Sir left sunflower seed shells in these holes and the lizards eat these shells for food.

What birds eat sunflower and grass seeds?

Yes. Birds of prey will not eat seeds, but most vegetable-eating avians will eat sunflower seeds.Further information:Whilst many species of birds eat sunflower seeds, they do not eat tend to eat the shells, or husks. Parrots, which are the most common consumers of sunflower seeds, have specially shaped beaks to enable them to remove the husks quickly and skilfully. The husks cannot be digested.

Are sunflower seeds good for a diabetic?

yes, they can eat sunflower seeds.

If you eat too many sunflower seeds can your appendix burst?

I ate a packet of BBQ sunflower seeds and shells. Two weeks later, a ruptured apendix. Thanks ENMU Medical Center for great service!

What are squirrels favorite foods?

Squirrels enjoy a variety of foods including nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables. Some of their favorite foods include acorns, walnuts, pecans, and sunflower seeds. They are opportunistic feeders and will also eat insects, fungi, and bird eggs when available.

How can other animals survive on sunflower seeds?

I'm sure some animals can eat them.... maybe squirrels? I don't know...anybody know?

What leads competition between two species?

an overlap in their niches