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Although most snakes are harmless and beneficial to people, they are some of the most widely feared and misunderstood animals on the planet.

Snakes are reptiles that do not have legs, ears, or eyelids. They have a backbone, ribs, skull, and some even have hip bones. Snakes also have a heart, lungs (most have just one long lung), liver, kidneys, intestines, and all the other internal organs that humans have. Snakes also have a brain and can feel pain just as humans do.

Snakes are not slimy. Like all reptiles, they are covered in dry scales made of keratin - the same protein that makes up bird feathers, human hair, and fingernails.

jacobsons organA snake's forked tongue cannot sting or hurt you. A snake that is constantly flicking out it's tongue is simply interested in its surroundings; "sniffing' like a dog. Chemicals or "scents" stick to the tongue as it waves it around. The snake then slides its tongue along the roof of its mouth where the neuron studded vomeronasal organ is. This organ sends an instant message to the snake's brain its surroundings.

costaricarattleSome snakes possess heat sensing pits. Pit vipers (including copperheads and rattlesnakes), boas, and pythons are able to use their heat sensing pits to are distinguish in vivid detail the differences in the temperatures around them. This allows them to navigate and catch prey in complete darkness.

All snakes are carnivores - no snake will eat any kind of plant. Some snakes, like garter snakes, eat by simply biting and swallowing their prey live. Other snakes, like rat snakes, use constriction to subdue their prey before swallowing. And a few snakes pre-kill their prey by using venom that is injected through hollow fangs.

boaSnakes swallow their food whole. They cannot chew their food. A snake's head may appear too small to swallow many food items, but snake mouths are built to open wide. The lower jaw includes two jaw bones connected in the middle with a stretchy ligament, so the mouth can open wide sideways as well as up and down. One side of the jaw holds the prey while the other side of the jaw slides forward, "walking" the food further into their mouth.

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2mo ago

Yes, snakes have tissues made up of cells like other animals. These tissues are necessary for various bodily functions such as movement, digestion, and reproduction. Tissues in snakes also play a role in their thermoregulation and immune responses.

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11y ago

No it has no nervice system, Since they have no nerves in there spine, they can only feel there Head, But it isnt Numb As What your thinking, it is just they cant feel anything in there body, But they feel there head

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16y ago

Yes. Snakes are amimals. Animals are multicellular organisms. Because of these two facts, snakes indeed have cells.

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10y ago

Snakes do in fact have a circulatory system. This circulatory system helps transport essential vitamins and nutrients through the body.

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13y ago

All multicellular lifeforms such as snakes have tissues.

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16y ago

Yes. They do have an excretory system.

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Q: Do snakes have tissues
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What tissues do snakes have?

None. They are animals who don't have running nose or have to sneeze.

What tissues are responsible for gas exhange in the frog?

skin is responsible for gas exchange in frogs, but not in snakes

Are snakes cellular or multicellular?

Snakes are multicellular organisms. They are made up of many cells that work together to form the various tissues and organs in their bodies.

What is it called when snakes dislocate their jaw?

Snakes actually do not dislocate their jaws the upper and lower jawbone are very loosely connect. The lower jawbone consists of to bone s connected by stretchy tissues that can easily stretch and allow a snake to open its mouth to consume any larger prey

Is venom a poison if you drink it?

No, venom is not a poison. It must be injected into body tissues to do its work. It is not harmful to drink as long as a person has no open sores in the mouth or throat. This us why there are no poisonous snakes, only venomous snakes,

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skin tissues, mussle tissues, organ tissues and bone tissues.

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Snakes of the subfamily Natricinae are usually regarded as water snakes.

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male snakes..

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No snakes are herbivores.

What are diifferent types of snakes?

milk snakes and coral snakes they look the same but coral snakes are dangerous and milk snakes aren't

What kind of snakes live in the white mountains AZ?

Rattlesnakes, king snakes, gopher snakes, coral snakes, rat snakes, garter snakes and many others.

What are some of Florida's interesting animals?

well i know a few cool snakes. Rattle snakes, king snakes, black snakes, coach whips, chicken snakes, garter snakes, and coral snakes. you can google them for more information.