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no sharks actually mistack humans for seals in there wet suite eg. jhony want to surf in his BLACK wet suit (the colour of seals) and a shark came up and ate him and his BLACK wet suit so really no sharks acculy think that we taste TERRIBLE and we do
No. When a shark sees a human swimming the shark confuses it with a fish and bites it. Soon it realizes that it is not a fish a spits out the human it had chewed.

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Wilburn Weissnat

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1y ago
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2mo ago

Sharks do not typically target humans as prey. Most shark attacks on humans are a case of mistaken identity or due to curiosity. Sharks have a much wider range of natural prey and humans are not a preferred food source for them.

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Q: Do sharks like eating humans
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No there isn't But there are many sharks known to have eaten humans. They eat humans by accident as they mistake humans on surfboards as seals!!!

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They don't. HUmans being attacked by Sharks is rare. humans actually being eaten is doubly rare.

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No, they are not. Sharks rarely attach humans. When they do, they only really do it because of we are always in their environment and we bother them. sometimes, on surf boards we look like seals but by the time it realises it is not, you are already in its mouth and it will go away.

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