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Yes they do ! Faeces is excreted as a dark-brown solid 'lump' - Uric acid is excreted as a semi-solid white lump, which dries hard.

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Q: Do reptiles urinate and secrete feces?
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Birds do not urinate. They expel a mix of urine and feces (poop).

Which species secrete uric acid?

Humans as part of their urine, sweat and also feces.

Why do cats urinate in litter?

Cats normally bury their urine and feces. For this reason, they will urinate in litter. Providing a litter box is a great substitution.

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They throw feces and urinate on their predators trust me!

How do marine reptiles and marine birds deal with the shortage of fresh water?

Marine birds and reptiles have glands that secrete excess salt from their systems.

Do seagulls regurgitate?

In a form. They do not urinate as humans do, instead, the "poop" contains both feces and urine.

If crap means feces why is it derrogatory?

In general, just because it is considered a vulgar way to say feces. The same way "I gotta pee" is considered more vulgar than "I have to urinate."

Why do you leak after you urinate?

It is possible for your own feces to be stimulating your prostate while you defecate. This would cause you to be arroused to some extent.

Do monotremes urinate through their anus?

Eggs, urine and feces are all evacuated through the same oriface which is referred to as a cloaca.

What is indoor plumbing in a car?

That's when you cut a hole in the floorboard of your car/truck so you can urinate and eliminate feces efficiently

What is the grey dot on top of the chicken feces?

Uric acid. As chickens do not urinate they process the urine through the same exit as their feces. The gray/white stuff is the result. This way they do not lose water by passing urine.

Urinogenital system of naked neck chicken?

The same as any other chicken breed. They have a cloaca (vent) which is a duel purpose orafice to expel both eggs and feces. Chickens do not urinate, they excrete uric acid along with the feces...which is why chicken feces is both brown and white.