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Many female raccoons will allow their young to spend their first winter with them. They are usually old enough at 6-8 months old to go on their own but may stay with the mother until they are nearly a year old.

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8y ago
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14y ago

For about 3 to 4 months.

Actually, baby raccoons are completely dependent on their mother for 4 months (16 weeks) then they become much more independent but continue to stay with her for close to a year.

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8y ago

After she has nursed the babies she will probably leave for a short time to forage for food. She always returns to continue to protect and nurse them until they are old enough to go out on their own when they are about 6 months old.

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16y ago

Ducklings are self-sufficient only hours after birth. They can leave their mother when ever they like.

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15y ago

=A little less than 6 months, maybe 5 or 4=They leave around4-6 months old

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8y ago

Most baby raccoons are mature at 4-5 months but frequently stay with the mother through the winter and set out on their own in the spring when they are about a year old.

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8y ago

Yes, female raccoons will leave their babies while they forage for food or water. They will return, however, to nurse their kits.

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8y ago

Kits stay with their mothers until they are 6-8 months old. Some may remain with the mother through the first winter and leave when they are nearly a year old.

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8y ago

Raccoons will leave their mother at 6-8 months of age. However, some will remain with the mother through the first winter and leave when they are nearly a year old.

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8y ago

Many leave and go out on their own after 5-6 months. Others may stay with the mother until they are nearly a year old.

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Q: How long do raccoons live with their mother?
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