

Best Answer

Depends what species the snake is, and if the chemical in the snake's venom is firer retardant.

ANS2:That can't be answered since there are no poisonous snakes. You can roast and eat any snake without worrying about being poisoned. Even the deadly venomous snakes are not poisonous...and none of them scream...they sort of hiss, pop and spatter while you are roasting them.
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Q: Do poisonous snakes scream when put in fire?
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Do gopher snakes have venom?

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Snakes do not have legs, so they will not grow legs if put into fire. Snakes are reptiles and move by slithering using their muscles and scales. Heating a snake to extreme temperatures can cause severe harm or death to the animal.

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None of those snakes are "poisonous" because the correct term is "venomous". To put it simply, venom is injected while poison is in ingested. So if something with a toxin stings or bites you.... it is venomous. If you eat it or absorb it through the skin or membranes it is poisonous. to return to the original question. Water moccasins (also know and cotton mouths, and trap jaws) are venomous. However there has never been a recorded death attributed to a moccasin as far as I know. The other snakes, Corns, milks, and ball pythons are all actually excellent starter pets for someone looking to get a pet snake.

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