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pigs eat just about anything they will eat a dead pig if it is not removed from the pen

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7mo ago

Pigs are omnivores and will eat meat, including other pigs if given the opportunity. This behavior is more common in wild or feral pigs rather than domesticated pigs, especially if they are not being fed a balanced diet.

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Q: Do pigs really eat pigs or is that just a myth?
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What can guinea pigs eat from household food?

guinea pigs can eat veggies cut up salad leaves just be carefull with fruit so not to give them a squitty tummy

Can pigs eat people?

Pigs are omnivores and will eat anything they consider food, including human flesh if they are hungry enough or if the person is already deceased. However, in general, pigs do not actively seek out humans as prey.

Are pigs herbivores?

Pigs are omnivores, and are happy eating either plant or animal products. More or less, yes. I say that because pigs will eat just about anything! If you are keeping a pot belly pig as a pet for instance, you should not feed it meat as it tends to make them aggressive. Pig feed, some fruits and veggies are good.

Do potbelly pigs eat straw?

It is a myth that pigs do not eat hay or, as a well-known jingle claims, they they do not know how to eat hay. Pigs eat hay fairly regularly and digest it thoroughly. Pigs raised on farms are not "mostly fed grain and protein supplements" for two primary reasons: 1) pigs will pasture forage like horses and cows; and, 2) grain and protein supplements are expensive. Pigs do not digest hay like cows and deer. Neither do horses. However, pigs graze like cows and horses, eating hay, grass, alfalfa, clover, etc. On farms during winters, pigs are regularly fed hay fairly exclusively. Because hay has a relatively low caloric value, pigs' manure in the winters is fairly "clean" -- high in cellulose and low in "dirty" waste.

Why do pigs get big?

Pigs get big because they are pigs so they eat alot ;)

Related questions

Will pigs really eat anything?

Just about. I do not recommend it.

What wild pigs eat?

Pigs are omnivorous, meaning they will eat just about anything available to them.

What does pigged out mean?

Pigs are supposed to eat a lot and not to be picky eaters (in fact, they are quite picky and don't eat any more than an ordinary animal, but that's the myth). When you "pig out," you eat a lot of food without really caring if it's good or not.

Do people really eat pandas?

No it is just a myth. Although some have been eaten in history, it is not a traditional meal. Your Welcome

Do windows eat people?

That is just a myth, Windows do not eat you.

What farmer give pigs to eat?

Any vegetable, really.

Can pigs eat bananas?

Yes, just make sure they do not get ahold of the peel.

Are pigs fat and lazy or do they just eat lots?

they just eat lots obviously

Do wheaten terriers eat guinea pigs?

No wheaten terriers do not eat guinea pigs. Wheatens are really nice dogs unless yours is aggressive.

Do pigs eat candy canes?

Pigs will eat about anything people will eat, and then some things that they won't. Candy is not really good for your pig though. Obesity can be an issue, so you want to feed them right.

Do pigs eat pickles?

It is possible that pigs can eat pickles. Pigs tend to eat just about anything they are given. However, they should be limited on the amount of calories they are allowed to eat.

What eats a pig beside a human?

pigs because they dont really care what they eat