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No, they have feathers.

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No, penguins do not have hair. They have feathers that provide insulation to keep them warm in cold water environments. Feathers are a characteristic feature of birds, including penguins.

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Do penguins have feathers or hair?

Like all birds, penguins have feathers.

Do emperor penguins have feathers on their feet?

yes they do emperor penguins have not much but not to little hair on their feet :)

Do penguins eat in a pack or by themselves?

Penguins eat by themselves because they don't like to be judged by their hair and weight

What type of penguins have hair on there head?

French fry penguins. Lol. Just kidding, it's called the Emperor Penguin

What is the colour of penguins body?

it depends on the type of penguin it is but most people say its black and white all penguins will be different some will have shiny fur others will have dull it really depends on what type of penguin it is!

What type of penguin has a mo-hawk?

Rockhopper penguins.. Well, kind of. The hair that people call "penguin mohawks" are the hairs on the side of the rockhopper penguins

Why are penguins called the arctic mammal if there not mammals?

because their not have furr hair their lay eggs

How does pinguins lives in its environment?

Penguins have layers of hair that hold in heat,but young penguins don't grow hair until they are a few years old.Penguins are great swimmers and hunt their food in the ocean,and they can hold their breath for almost 1 minute.They have a low amount of predators.

How do you get hair on club penguin for free?

You don't penguins are mammals so that means it has fur all over its body so don't need to buy hair.

Are whales penguins and seals mammal?

Whales and seals are both mammals. They fit the criteria of being warm blooded vertebrates with hair (yes, even whales have a little hair) that produce milk for their young. However, penguins are not mammals. Instead, they are flightless, semi-aquatic birds.

Are penguins covered with waterproof fur or feathers?

You can call them fuzzy if you want to. Penguins are birds. All birds have feathers. Furry implies that the animal has hair, but fuzzy could refer to the feathers. Penguin chicks can definitely be described as being fuzzy since they are covered in down when they hatch.

What do young penguins not have when they first hatch?

when first hatched, a young penguin does not have the same dark, black fur that their parent penguins do that help them swim in the water. instead, it is a light gray, patchy and unsmooth layer of hair