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They breathe through their nose.

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Q: Do otters breathe through their nose or gills?
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Do sharks breath through their nose?

No - they breathe through the gills on either side of their body.

Do birds have breathe air or gills?

Birds breathe through their mouth/nose just like you and I.

How do octopus breathe without fins and gills?

Octopuses have gills that remove oxygen from the water.

How does a Jaguar breathe?

A jaguar breathes by their nose

How do marine animals breathe?

Marine animals use a variety of methods to extract oxygen from water. Fish have gills that extract oxygen from the water as it passes through, while mammals like dolphins and whales need to come to the surface to breathe air through blowholes. Some invertebrates, like jellyfish, have thin membranes that allow oxygen to diffuse directly into their bodies.

How do piranhas breathe?

Piranha's are fish, and fish filter air from the water through their gills.

How do sea monkeys breathe?

Through their nose and mouth using their lungs and diaphragm.

Is it possible to have gills and lungs?

No. Fish use gills instead of lungs. Marine mammals have lungs but don't breathe through a mouth or nose, they use a blow hole.

What does the nose on a fish help the fish do?

Fish don't have noses, they have gills which make them breathe.

How does cnidaria breathe?

they breathe through there nose

How do skinks breathe?

They breathe through there nose..

How do cats breath?

Cats breathe through their nose and mouth, using their diaphragm to inhale and exhale. They have a specialized respiratory system that allows them to efficiently take in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide. Cats have a natural ability to regulate their breathing rate, which helps them adapt to different levels of activity and stress.