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If they choke.

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7mo ago

No, newborn hamsters do not turn purple. If a hamster appears to be purple, it may have some sort of health issue or condition that needs to be promptly addressed by a veterinarian.

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Why does newborn hamsters have a smell?

All hamster have a smell unless you bathe them

What color contact will turn hazel eyes purple?

Purple, the underlying color won't show through at all.

When can you have contact with newborn hamsters?

A newborn hamster is born hairless and with closed eyes. One week after they grow all of their hair and eat the mix you've provided would be a good him to let them sniff-only sniff you. Put your hand or hands in the cage and let the hamsters sniff your hands, repeat the process for 5 to 6 days. Then you may pick them up

Do bones of the newborn generally lack cavities?

All bones of a newborn start as cartilage therefore has no cavities. As the baby grows up, they turn into bones through ossification.

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No, not at all :)

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all horses would turn purple with red polka dots

Can hamsters have strawberries?

no not all, i have a teddy bear hamster and i tried feeding her strawberrys and she did not eat them I also have a teddy bear hamster, he likes strawberrys, all hamsters have different tastes. Just like humans.

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Are Syrian hamsters clever?

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grace to the all hamsters

Are dwarf hamsters noocturnal?

Yes. All hamsters are nocturnal

Are golden hamsters Syrian hamsters?

Yes, it's just another name of calling them:). As well as Golden Hamsters, Syrian hamsters are also sometimes referred to as teddy bear hamsters (long haired syrian hamsters), alien hamsters (hairless syrian hamsters), black bear or european black bear (black syrian hamsters). They are all variations in colour/coat of the same species of hamster. I believe all hamsters are from Syrian so they all have a common ancestry