Nothing. The lizard might eat the cricket.
Yes, some larger species of lizards, such as monitors, can eat mice. However, it is important to ensure the mouse is an appropriate size for the lizard and is not carrying any diseases that could harm the lizard. It is best to provide a well-balanced diet that meets the nutritional needs of the lizard.
Mice, birds, deer, geese, lions, and bears eat them.
Collared lizards primarily eat insects such as beetles, grasshoppers, crickets, and ants. They may also consume small lizards, rodents, and birds. Juveniles tend to have a higher proportion of animal matter in their diet compared to adults.
yes the do big ones eat small ones
Yes it does
Actually they eat live leaves (green).
a tango lizard eats insects, worms and spiders well what a lizard will eat
No, a lizard is too big for a grasshopper to eat.
Depends what kind of lizard- but the average lizard may eat 16 works a week, or a tube of crickets
The monitor lizard has a large diet. The lizard can eat eggs, smaller snakes, mice, small animals, fish, and birds. The lizard is a carnivore.
It depends on the species of lizard. Some do.
Yes, a maggot can eat a live lizard. There was a fatally wounded lizard on my driveway. It had a large hole, and maggots were along and in it.
It depends on the type of lizard. Probably if your lizard is small it will eat bugs. Geckos, common side blotched lizards, alligator lizards, etc eat bugs. We feed my lizard crickets and meal worms, which my lizard is a common side blotched lizard. Hope I helped you and your lizard.