

Do mealworms get rid of waste?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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12y ago

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yes they take really large poops

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Trees get rid of waste products through a process called transpiration, where they release excess water and gases through tiny pores on their leaves called stomata. Trees also shed leaves, bark, and roots as they age, which helps to remove waste products from their systems. Additionally, some waste products may be broken down and recycled by fungi and bacteria in the soil surrounding the tree.

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Yes they do get rid of waste products when they are in there webs.

What is the process of getting rid rid of waste?

The process is called "excretion". This means "to get rid of waste". Please don't cheat on worksheets, do them RIGHT!

What opening gets rid of solid waste in the human body?

The anal sphincter relaxes to allow solid waste to be expelled through the rectum and anus during defecation.

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No, fire does not get rid of waste. The combustion process may reduce the volume of waste by turning it into ash, but the waste is still present in a different form and may release harmful emissions into the environment. Proper waste management methods should be used to effectively get rid of waste.

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Jellyfish get rid of waste by ejecting it from their bodies. It is then released into the water and allowed to wash away.

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yes cheetahs does get rid of their waste.

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Single-celled organisms get rid of waste by first creating pockets of air around the waste material. Then they eject these air pockets, waste and all.

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excretory system is important to a human begin because through the excretory system we are able to get rid of all the waste products in our body the lungs get rid of waste air, the body get rid of waste and the kidneys get rid of urine.