Surprisingly yes
Well in the springtime, lions and lionesses mate. Then in the summertime the lionesses give birth. They care for their young for a long time.
Both male lions and lionesses hunt. While lionesses do the majority of the hunting in a pride, male lions will also participate in hunting when needed. Male lions often rely on the females to make the initial kill and then join in to share the meal.
Yes, they recognize them by smell.
The opposite gender of a lion is a lioness. Lions are male, while lionesses are female.
The correct term is "two lionesses". The word "lioness" is the singular form, while "lionesses" is the plural form.
It is lionesses Lionesses.... I guess. Trappedwitgirls5
Millwall Lionesses L.F.C. was created in 1972.
Yes it is the male lion that stays with the cubs not the lionesses
A lioness is a female lion. Lionesses means more than one.
No, lions do not mate with all lionesses in their pride. The dominant male lion in a pride typically mates with multiple lionesses, but not necessarily all of them.
Surprisingly yes
Well in the springtime, lions and lionesses mate. Then in the summertime the lionesses give birth. They care for their young for a long time.
a cave
cuz they HORNEY! ;]
lionesses will take care of their child and feed them until they are young enough to hunt on their own so they roughly are good mothers! :D