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Q: Do humans and seals have a common ancestor?
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Do seals and humans share a common ancestor?

yes they do in facts share a common ancestor.

Do humans and bats have a common ancestor?

Yes, humans and bats share a common ancestor. Both humans and bats belong to the group of mammals, which evolved from a common ancestor millions of years ago.

What does the principle of common descent imply about humans?

Apes and humans descended from the same common ancestor.

When is the common ancestor of humans and chimps thought to have lived?

It's thought to be about 5 to 7 million years since humans and chimps shared a common ancestor.

How are humans and chimpanzees phylogenetically related?

They share a common ancestor.

Is it rue that humans have not descended from chimpanzees but do have a common ancestor with them?

Yes, that's correct. Humans and chimpanzees share a common ancestor that lived several million years ago. While humans and chimpanzees have diverged along separate evolutionary paths since then, they still share a significant amount of genetic material due to their common ancestry.

Were Humans made from Gorrilas?

NO please read the bible ======================== No. The closest primates to humans are chimpanzees. We all (humans, chimpanzes, gorillas, and other primates) evolved, over millions of years, from some common ancestor, but anthropologists have not yet identified that common ancestor.

If evolution is true then why there is no species excisting in between chimpansie and human?

Humans did not evolve from chimpanzees, rather both humans and chimpanzees share a common ancestor. A division happened with this common ancestor....some went on to become chimpanzees and some went on to become modern humans. There are common ancestors to both humans and chimps, but they are long extinct.

Humans and gorillas have one different amino acid in their hemoglobin sequence. What does this say about the evolution of these two species?

Answer this question… They probably have a recent common ancestor.

Did man and ape have a common ancestor?

An 'ape' is any primate belonging to the superfamily Hominoidea, and this includes humans, so we 'are' apes, along with gorillas, chimpanzees and orangutans. All these species though have a common ancestor.

Theory where the 1st human came from?

Humans came from a common ancestor with apes. Not directly.

What facts implie that humans and fish had a common ancestor?

Both have gills when they're embryos