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yes, but there are some exeptions. like if your 2 male/femail (if you don't want babys this is best) guinie pigs have been to gether since you adoped them and they've been in the same cage, then cances are they won't sudently turn on each other. but if one has made a home of the cage (urinated/ had a B.M.) then yes they will. to avoid this simply, wash the cage from to bottom, then bleach the cage, then do a wash to get the bleach out then rince the cage completly. this inshures that all of the one ginuine pigs smells are gone, after all that feel free to add another guinie pig, but make shure to daa them at the same time.

if you do want baby guinie pigs then one male and up to 5 females. this way they wont be competing for a mate.

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2mo ago

Yes, guinea pigs can engage in dominance-related behaviors such as rumblestrutting, mounting, chasing, and even fighting. It is recommended to provide a large enough living space, multiple hiding spots, and sufficient resources (food, water, hay) to help minimize aggressive behaviors among guinea pigs. It is also advisable to provide each guinea pig with its own space if fighting becomes a significant issue.

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Are pigs related to guinie pigs?

NO they just call then guinea pigs or Piggy's cuz that seek like pigs

How much does guinie pigs live?

guinea pigs live 4 to 7 years.

Do guinie pigs smell?

Well, not really. If you clean there cage/hutch maybe once a week and bath them then there not smelly. Remember that you have to clean there cage, guinea pigs hate to run around in there poo or dirty hay.I belive you've made a spelling mistake with 'Guinie pigs' , it should be 'Guinea pigs'. Sorry if this has caused any trouble.Hope this helped:)

Do two male guinea pigs fight?

Yes, male guinea pigs can fight, especially if they are not neutered or if they are trying to establish dominance. It is recommended to house male guinea pigs separately to prevent fighting and injury.

Is a hamstert a rodent?

Yes,a hamster is a rodent,anything as small like thatisa rodent including guinie pigs,rats,and mice

Are pigs fine with each other?

Boars fight for dominance of their cage and can become aggressive, however if the pair of them grew up together there shouldn't be any problem.

Is it all right for guinea pigs to share a cage or will they fight?

it is perfect because guinea pigs are herd animals so they adore to be in groups but make sure they have a big enough cage and two males might fight, two of different genders will reproduce, and two females might fight for dominance. Just make sure they know each other. They will be fine then!

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Rats fight to establish dominance.

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