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birds have between 1,000 and 25,000

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12y ago

they have the best wings ever

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12y ago

Primary feathers.

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15y ago


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Jon Vanier

Lvl 1
2y ago
Penguin Incorrect. Do your research
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Jon Vanier

Lvl 1
2y ago
Not a penguin. Small dippers have as much as 6x the density of feathers as penguins.

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What is the most resilient bird?

The Smogon Bird.

Which British bird has the most feathers?

The mute swan (Cygnus olor) is the British bird with the most feathers, with an average of around 25,000 feathers on its body. Each feather has a specific role in providing insulation, waterproofing, and aerodynamics for the swan.

Birds plumage is restricted to its contour feathers?

Although contour feathers are the most prominent type of feathers in a bird's plumage, birds can also have other types of feathers like down feathers and filoplumes. Contour feathers are responsible for providing the shape and waterproofing for a bird, while down feathers provide insulation. Filoplumes are used for sensory purposes.

What birds have feathers that are useful to humans?

Birds such as ostriches, peacocks, and chickens are known for their feathers that are used by humans for various purposes, including decoration, insulation, and arts and crafts. These feathers are prized for their beauty, softness, and durability.

What are the insulating feathers of a bird called?

These are called down feathers. Baby chicks are born with it and eventually lose most of it as they become adults. The stages of feathers go as follows: Down feathers trasition to pin feathers, which is a chitinous waxy 'shell' or sheath that holds a primary adult feather. If your companion bird is itchy with pin feathers, and they let you touch them, you can gently pinch the pin feather between your thumb and index [or middle] finger and gently roll it until the waxy coating splits. This also doubles as great bonding time with you and your feathered friend. Hope this helps, I know it's lengthy. ;)

Related questions

Can you tell a bird from its feather?

Yes, most bird species' feathers are distinctly different from other birds' feathers.

Is there a bird withour feathers?

No, the biggest difference between birds and other animals is that birds have feathers. Every bird has feathers and everything that has feathers is a bird. A Whistling Swan, in winter has the most with about 20,000 individual feathers. And the fewest feathers? That distinction goes to the Ruby-throated Hummingbird with about 940.

What is the most resilient bird?

The Smogon Bird.

How would the loss of feathers affect a bird?

It will not be able to fly with no feathers. Feathers keep a bird warm. If its feathers are gone it will die of cold. Most importantly feathers help a bird to escape from predators.

What are the largest most familiar feathers on a bird?

tail feathers

Which British bird has the most feathers?

The mute swan (Cygnus olor) is the British bird with the most feathers, with an average of around 25,000 feathers on its body. Each feather has a specific role in providing insulation, waterproofing, and aerodynamics for the swan.

Birds plumage is restricted to its contour feathers?

Although contour feathers are the most prominent type of feathers in a bird's plumage, birds can also have other types of feathers like down feathers and filoplumes. Contour feathers are responsible for providing the shape and waterproofing for a bird, while down feathers provide insulation. Filoplumes are used for sensory purposes.

What are baby bird feathers called?

Most baby birds are born with feathers called 'down'.

What is the single most important feature used to identify an animal as a bird?

The bird's feathers .

How do geese rule the world?

because they are the most beloved bird out there, even if they chase me on my bike when im going to wallgreens!! geese rule

What are the uses of common bird structures?

Feathers are a structure that are common to all species of bird. Most feathers are very similar in structure, although they vary depending on how and where the bird lives.

What bird has the most feathers per square inch?

penguins, 70 feathers per square inch