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The answer to this question depends on what species of fish you are specifically asking about. The record for swordtails is 300, but whilst this seems like a large amount, keep in consideration that is a humongous accomplishment if even 20 percent of the eggs survive. Other species, such as the cardinal tetra, rarely breed in captivity, so you should not keep your hopes up for them. One species that rapidly and frequently breeds is the guppy. Guppies may leave you wishing you had not chosen to breed them in the first place. You should probably expect at least fifty or so eggs, and don't be crushed if all of the eggs don't survive. Like I mentioned earlier, even twenty percent of survivors is quite an amazing feat.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

Most fish will reproduce when conditions are favourable. This can occur as often as every 6 to 8 weeks in many species, although there are some species that can only spawn once in a lifetime. Different species have different breeding requirements and stimuli.

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βˆ™ 8mo ago

No, most fish species reproduce multiple times throughout their lifespan. They typically spawn eggs or give birth to live young regularly to maintain their populations.

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βˆ™ 7y ago

No, fish reproduce sexually, its just nothing like OUR sexual reproduction.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Some fish do in fact only reproduce one time. Other fish can reproduce as many times as they would l like.

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Do fish reproduce only?

Some fish do in fact only reproduce one time. Other fish can reproduce as many times as they would l like.

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Answer No. Only Females. But you would need a male.

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No, clown fish do not reproduce. They just appear out of thin air.

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Probably so that the population can regenerate; if you catch all the younger fish that reproduce or haven't had a chance to reproduce you end up with an endangered species.

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Bony fish reproduce sexually. No pun intended.