Yes, but they have a closed circulatory system (their hearts have only two valves) and gills instead of lungs.
can you feed a blood parrot fish a feeding fish
the only fish that see colors live in the northern toptopia where they can see colors humans can see
The bloodsucking fish with no jaw is likely to be a lamprey. Lampreys are jawless fish that use their toothed, funnel-like mouths to attach to other fish and feed on their blood and tissues.
Yes, Arctic fish have antifreeze proteins in their blood that allow them to survive in extremely cold temperatures by lowering the freezing point of their body fluids. These proteins prevent ice crystals from forming and damaging the fish's cells, enabling them to thrive in icy waters.
because they both come from swims in water....period blood is red water!! dumb butt ( i put butt because if i put crotch you wouldnt know what that is!)
What about Blood Parrot Fish?
can you feed a blood parrot fish a feeding fish
Bony fish
Fish blood contains nuclei in each blood cell and are much larger than human blood.
Carp are fish. All fish are cold-blooded.
What do you feed red blood parrot fish
An ice fish
Most fish have blood that is very similar to human blood, consisting of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. However, fish blood also contains nucleated red blood cells, which is a key difference from mammalian blood.
muscles doesnt move in blood of fish,they are attached to bones or skin.
Yes, all fish have blood.
they are fish. but not just that there blood is cold
Fish Food, Fish Flakes, dried Blood Worms