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Q: Do feets come out when you burn snakes?
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Can corn snakes be black and white?

Wild corn snakes are reddish-brown in color, with black lines, but domestic corn snakes can come in nearly any color.

Do geese kill snakes?

Geese are known to be territorial and aggressive towards perceived threats, which can include snakes. While geese may harass or attack snakes that come too close to their nest or territory, they do not actively seek out snakes to kill them.

What time of the day do snakes come out in the desert hills?

That depends upon the species of snake and season of the year. Some snakes are abroad during the hot daylight hours. Others come out only in the cooler morning or evening. Some only emerge after dark.

What is the difference in a king snake and a black snake?

Not much. Rat snakes come in different color patterns and combinations than kingsnakes, and are usually a bit larger than king snakes. Other than that, they are very similar. They are both non poisonous colubrids, and make great pets. They also eat similar diets of small rodents and other animals such as lizards and bird eggs/baby birds (if flightless and they can catch them). I believe that they are from similar areas, which include the southwestern united states and northwestern mexico.

Why do snakes come out of their dens before it rains?

Snakes may come out of their dens before rain to hunt for prey that may also be more active due to the weather change. Some species of snakes are also known to seek out sheltered areas to avoid being washed out by heavy rains, hence they may come out to search for suitable hiding spots.

Related questions

When snakes are burnt do there leg come out?

Snakes do not have legs. Please do not burn a snake in order to find this out! snakes do have legs they use to walk, until god curse the snake and put them on there belly

Do snakes feet come out when it burns?

No. Snakes do not have feet.

How many feets are in 157 centimeters?

5.15 feets

Do garter snakes go underground?

no garter snakes come out in the hot days garter snakes not like to come out in a night

How many feets goes in one yard?

three feets

What is the meaning of seraph?

It means burn or burner. It's applied to snakes.

How do you convert 426 meters to feets as in elevation?

1 meter = 3.28084 feets (rounded) . . 426 meters = 1,397.6 feets (rounded)

Why do rodents and snakes come out at monsoons?

snakes and rodents from dry places come to wet places so they can be cold.they also come for water.

How does ruby come from snakes?

They don't, they come from the ground.

How many concret block in 10 feets by10 feets?

10x10=100 ft

How long is 2 feets?

2 feet (not feets) is 60.96 centimetres.

How many feets are a yard?

1 yard are 3 feets