Whislt I have no concrete scientific evidence to answer this query, I do have personal experience to call on...
One time back in 93 whilst I was hunting for ivory in Southern Africa, my hunting rifle seized up (silly sally me not taking a spare! my partner James did tell me too!). So when the time came that we came across an elephant, I was faced with something of a dilemma as to how the beast could be floored.
I then remembered this so called 'urban myth' my grandma had told me over brunch once (I was eating waffles, she made them so moist!), the myth being that elephant's have shockingly poor balance. So, being stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea, I decided to test the theory myself. With that, I ran at the trunk-ed one and threw my shoulder against it's side. Imagine my shock when the big eared bugger let out a comic shreik and fell at a perfect 90 degree angle, hitting the floor with a seismic crash!!
So there you have it, 'tumble' as I affectionately named the elephant in question provided me with two beautiful gifts: the answer to an age old question that has bugged mankind since at least the 60's and, to top it all, a simply breaktaking set of keys for my piano in the den.
Glad to help fellow traveller ;) x
Yes, all elephants do have tails. The tail of an elephant plays a role in swatting away insects and helping with balance.
Yes elephants are good luck in the Indian culture if there trunk is up. If the trunk is down it is not good luck. Some Hindus pray to a elephant god and festivals for this god. It is also a tradition for elephants not to be killed and rode at weddings. In Thailand, Elephants are good luck regardless of trunks being up or down. Its the Elephant itself that is lucky.
Yes, an elephant's tail is helpful for swatting away insects, communicating with other elephants, and providing balance.
Elephant should be facing you for good luck
1-An elephant is the largest land animal. 2-African elephants have large ears. 3-Indian elephants have small ears. 4-Female elephants share turns watching over all the baby elephants. 5-Elephants have great memories.
for the balance of environment
somewhat but mostly as a defense mechanism
Yes, all elephants do have tails. The tail of an elephant plays a role in swatting away insects and helping with balance.
yes elephants have balls they are inside them instead of outside like most male animals
yes elephants eye sight isn't that good
elephants smell is actually really good they also have a good way of cooling there selfs off
yes the fall all the tome they have terrible balance............SYKE
Yes elephants are good luck in the Indian culture if there trunk is up. If the trunk is down it is not good luck. Some Hindus pray to a elephant god and festivals for this god. It is also a tradition for elephants not to be killed and rode at weddings. In Thailand, Elephants are good luck regardless of trunks being up or down. Its the Elephant itself that is lucky.