some fish blink but most do not. out of all the fish i have the only fish that can blink are my corydora catfish. and btw they DO sleep too. someone has a lame sense of humor
no they dont
Ducks have 2 legs.
Yes, they blink sideways. It's freaky.
Yes reptiles can blink
Ducks in flight are a flock. Ducks on the ground are a badling. Ducks in the water are a raft, team or paddling
That makes three ducks total.
Blink Blink was created in 2001.
The future tense of "blink" is "will blink." For example, "I will blink my eyes."
You have to blink when your supposed to blink and when you blink it happens in a jiffy. A jiffy is 1 out of a hundred of a second.
Yes, the plural noun 'flocks' is a standard collective noun for two or more groups of ducks.The collective nouns for ducks are:brace of ducks (applies to birds, in general)flock of ducks (applies to birds on the ground, in general)flight of ducks (applies to birds in the air, in general)flush of ducks (a brood)badelynge or badling of ducks (applies to ducks on the ground)paddling of ducks (applies to ducks in the water)raft of ducks (applies to ducks in the water)team of ducks (applies to ducks in the water)
all the ducks is like ' all the ducks in the world ' but all of the ducks is ' all of the ducks in our farm'
Blink one-eighty-two
The collective noun for teachers is a faculty of teachers.There are several collective nouns for duck:brace of ducks (applies to birds, in general)flock of ducks (applies to birds on the ground, in general)flight of ducks (applies to birds in the air, in general)badelynge or badlingof ducks (applies to ducks on the ground)paddling of ducks (applies to ducks in the water)raftof ducks (applies to ducks in the water)teamof ducks (applies to ducks in the water)flush of ducks
they blink because they need to
Yes, they blink.
Yes, horses do blink.