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No, they won't ever speak a human language, but they can be taught to recognise some commands in any language.

Dogs are excellent associative learners, and some of the more intelligent can even be quickly taught very simple grammatical structures, even generating meaning with them.

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12y ago
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13y ago

Maybe after millions of years of evolution dogs would have evolved in such a way that they are able to talk, but for now, it is probably safe to say that dogs will never talk like humans do.

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16y ago

Dogs communicate with each other through many means: ear position, tail wagging body posture, barking, whining, yelping, crying, sneezing/sniffing, etc.

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12y ago

You might think they do,and it might sound like they do but they don't

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15y ago

no, but they learn the different tones of your voices to see if they're right or wrong.

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11y ago

The medical term for the "voice box" is the larynx. Dogs do have a larynx. A dog without a larynx would be unable to bark.

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Q: Do dogs have a voice box that can help them speak?
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Why do deaf dogs bark?

Deaf dogs, just like deaf humans, still have the use of their voice box and therefore will use it. When we speak, or when dogs bark, we 'hear' it internally (a bit like when you are thinking, you 'hear' your own voice in your head).

How do you use speak and talk?

caused by a voice box further dow the throat.

What part of the trachea allows animals to speak or make sound?

The voice-box, or larynx.

Can a veterinarian remove a dogs voice box?

i am pretty sure go and ask one.

Does brain control your talking?

Yes it does, your brain sends messages to your voice box which makes you speak

Why couldn't Kane speak properly in his earlier days?

i think it was because he had a broken voice-box

Physically how do humans speak?

Through the larynx (or pharynx, I forget). In a nutshell, the "voice box" of the human body.

Do animals have a sound box?

Many animals have voice boxes. This including cats, dogs, mice, most rodents, etc.

What does your voice box look like and how does it work?

My voice box, or larynx, is made up of cartilage, muscles, and vocal cords. When we speak, the muscles in the larynx tighten to adjust the tension of the vocal cords, which vibrate as air passes through them. This vibration produces sound waves that create our voice.

What is Larynx another word for what?

Another word for larynx is the voice box. Hope I help.

Why does some peoples voice vibrate kinda when they talk is there something to help there voice be smoother or help there voice change?

This change is normal because your hormones are making your voice box change. It will disappear in a few months when your body adjusts to the new levels. What you can do is learn to breathe. Part of the problem is that you are only breathing with the top of your lungs. It's a common problem but can be fixed easily. Find a yoga site and look for breathing exercises. What will happen is that you will learn to breathe with your whole chest and stomach. This way your voice box will have enough air to speak without vibrating. Another plus is that your voice tends to get a bit deeper when you use these exercises. The breathing exercises will relax your voice box which is what the problem is, it gets tight because it's not getting enough oxygen. Congratulations on getting to puberty!!!

How to talk?

Use your voice box I mean Use my voice box