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yes, every mammal can

Yes, chickens have "babies" loosely defined as the young of any species. Actually, despite what you see above. Chickens are not mammals. Chickens are avians in class called Aves. Chickens lay eggs (Oviparous), fertilized eggs when incubated become chicks. Chicks do not feed from a breast which is one of the main identifiers of a mammal.

Dictionary definition : Any animal of class Mammalia, a very large class of warm blooded higher vertebrates having mammary glands in the female, a thoracic diaphragm and four chambered heart. With the exception of egg laying monotremes ( echidna & platypus), mammals give birth to live young.

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4y ago

they live offspring to keep the metamorphism keep the cycle going.

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Q: Do chicken give birth to live offspring?
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