The love fermented feed like silage and baleage. They will also eat brewer's distilled grains, eat feed mixed with old, flat beer, and residue from ethanol plants. In a way they do like alcohol, but in limited portions.
Cattle were a source of food so people could trade them for things they needed or sell them to make money. As far back as 9000 BC people were trading cattle.
Cattle like to eat (be it grazing or eating from a feed bunk or hay feeder), sleep, and mate (particularly bulls and cows/heifers that go in heat). That's about it.
They raise cattle or beef cattle
They can be, especially if you are referring the very large breeds of cattle like Charolais, Chianina and Belgian Blue, for instance. But not all cattle are enormous: there are miniature breeds of cattle that are only the size of a medium to large dog.
Depends on the breed. Large Continental beef breeds like Chianinas can weigh in at around 4000 lbs. Small cattle like Dexters or Jerseys only have a mature weight of around 800 to 900 lbs.
The took them to a stockyard like Kansas City where they put them in cattle cars.
They cannot be penned up, like cattle can be. That's why buffalo can't be raised like cattle.
Silver birch is not poisonous to cattle. However, the cattle may not eat it, simply because they do not like the taste.
Well, there's the cattle waterer (or automatic cattle waterer), and then there's the stock tank, which is a container that holds water for livestock like horses and cattle.
Grass has blades and a stalk which are eaten by grazers like cattle.
Dairy cattle like Holsteins, Brown Swiss and Jerseys.
You add an apostrophe to the "s" like so: 's to make the word as "cattle's."
Cattle are not biomes, they are animals that live within a biome, like grasslands and forests for instance.
wheat and cattle
People who like burgers.
No. Apples have to be fermented long enough to be considered alcohol in order to make them drunk. Since most apples that are fed to cattle are not fermented, and if they are it is in low amounts, there is no chance that apples will or can make cattle drunk.
Cattle farming is done all year round. There is no particular time of year where cattle are raised and harvested like crops are.