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They can, but its not good for them due to the lactose that is present in cow's milk. Many cats are lactose intolerant (they cannot digest it properly) so can get sick from ingesting it. Goats milk, or specially formulated cat milk do not have lactose in so are perfectly safe.

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13y ago

It is unlikely cow's milk can kill a cat. A lot of cats are lactose intolerant, so ingesting cow's milk will cause stomach upsets and diarrhoea. In young kittens, diarrhoea can dehydrate them very quickly which can be fatal if not given veterinary treatment quickly.

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12y ago


Just like humans cats like milk. If I drink sour milk I am going to get sick. Cats will also get sick. Do humans die? Not usually, but in some rare cases humans could die and so could cats.

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8y ago

Adult cats should not drink any milk (unless it is lactose free and formulated for cats) as they cannot digest lactose so they will get sick.

Kittens while they can digest lactose should only nurse on their mother cat's milk or be given kitten formula. Other kinds of milk have more lactose than they can digest and do not meet their other nutritional requirements and will make them sick.

This does not say that a cat will not try drinking spoiled milk, it says you should not make any milk available to them that is not specifically formulated for cats of that age.

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15y ago

er no. a kitten cat have milk from its mommy but it does need water, just like us

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14y ago

Not from the milk directly, but as some cats can become sick from drinking milk, dying from dehydration is a cause for concern if not treated.

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12y ago

It is impossible.

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Q: Do cats drink spoiled milk
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Real Cats Drink Milk - 1982 was released on: USA: 1982

What do cats drink other than milk?

Special cat milk that is especially designed for them is best. If you give them human milk they get an upset stomach. Cat milk isn't that expensive and its not hard to get hold of either. :)

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No, the hot milk should NOT spoiled if you keep in refrigerator.

Can cats safely drink dog's milk?

No, cats should not drink dog's milk as it does not provide the necessary nutrients for their health. Cats require specific nutrients found in their own mother's milk or specially formulated cat milk.

what milk is good for kitten?

Cats are not made to drink milk. Except only when they are very young and they get the milk from their mother. So I advise you not to feed milk to cats; only water.

Did the cat drink chocolate milk?

No, it is not safe for cats to drink chocolate milk as chocolate is toxic to them.

Can you take honey if you drink spoiled milk?

No - you'll end up with food poisoning!

Why do do cats like milk?

Cats are mammals so they naturally drink milk from their mother when they are young. Milk is naturally high in fat and other nutrients, which is why cats will readily drink milk. Due to their carnivorous diet, cats need some fat in their diet.

Is it safe for cats to drink human breast milk?

No, it is not safe for cats to drink human breast milk. Cats require specific nutrients found in their own mother's milk or specially formulated cat milk. Human breast milk does not provide the necessary nutrients for cats and can potentially cause digestive issues.