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Camels do not have hooves. They have a two-toed foot with toenails and a soft footpad.

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2mo ago

Camels have a soft, wide foot pad that helps them travel through sandy desert terrain more easily. Their feet are not split like cattle or round like horses.

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Q: Do camels have split hooves like cattle or round hooves like horses?
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Do horses hooves change color in the winter?

No horses hooves don't change color in the winter. They stay the same color year round. Just like your toe nails!!!

What does a horses hooves look like?

Well they are round if you take good care of the hooves! The hooves need special treatment! They need to be shod every 4-6 weeks! This meens that they need new hooves!

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I think they are called charros.

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Do camels migrate?

No. Most camels are not wild and they stay with their owner year round.

What is Another name for cattle round up?

Cattle drive.

Why do wild horses not need shoes?

I believe it would be great to be able to run across open prairie and have no fence to stop you. I also think the life of a wild horse can be very hard, like avoiding predators and round ups, but nice to be in the company of others the whole time. no one really knows for sure.

What part of speech is round in the sentence The horses must round this corner?

"Round" is the verb of the sentance. What are the horses doing? They are rounding the corner.

The terms cowboy and cattle drive were used?

They used their knowledge of herding cattle and their horses to round them up from the home-base on the ranch, then moved them from the ranch to the place that they are going to sell them. Cattle drives always take more than one cowboy to complete. For instance, over a 500 head of cattle usually took about 10 horsemen to drive from point A to point B which often was 50 or 100 miles away.