All mammals have lungs. It is one of the defining characteristics of mammals along with live birth (not eggs, except monotremes) and non-nucleated red blood cells. A rabbit is a mammal, the following traits are common among all mammals. A rabbits lung works just like ours, they breath oxygen from the air, like all mammals, even Dolphins and Whales (which are classified as mammals).
1. The first characteristic that guarantees that an animal is a mammal is that it (if it is female) can produce milk to feed its young. This milk is produced by modified sweat glands called 'mammary' glands. It is from these glands that the whole group takes its name, 'Mammals.
2. The second test is the possession of hair, something humans often have problems with but which they should respect more. No other animal has hair in the same form as mammals, and all mammals have some hair at least at the beginning of their lives - baby whales and dolphins are born with a moustache.
3. The lower jaw in mammals is a single bone on either side. In all other vertebrates there are more than one bone on each side of the jaw.
4. The mammal middle ear, and only the mammal middle ear, contains 3 bones. The Stapes or (Stirrup), Incus or (Anvil) and the Malleus or (Hammer). Once these bones were part of the lower jaw, but during the early evolution of mammals they changed jobs and became a part of our hearing apparatus instead.
5. In mammals the main artery leaving the heart curves to the left becoming the aortic arch. In birds it curves to the right and in all other vertebrates there are more than one main artery leaving the heart.
Animals need AIR to breath in - AIR is made up of about 80% Nitrogen and 20% Oxygen. The animals use the Oxygen in the AIR.NOTE if an animal were to breath 100% Oxygen this would eventually kill it, Pure Oxygen is toxic.They need to breath AIR.
Yes, betta fish have a specialized organ called a labyrinth organ that allows them to breathe oxygen directly from the air. This allows them to survive in oxygen-deficient environments such as stagnant waters. They will often come to the water's surface to take in gulps of air.
Tadpoles need to come up for air because they have gills, which are not as efficient in extracting oxygen from the water as lungs are in extracting it from the air. By coming up for air at the water's surface, tadpoles can supplement the oxygen they obtain through gills with oxygen from the air.
Air, water, food, shelter.
A binky is a term used to describe when rabbits jump and twist in the air, often playfully or to express happiness. It is not a specific animal itself, but a behavior exhibited by rabbits.
Air conditioners blowing directly on rabbits are a very bad thing. It will cause colds, pneumonia and other respiratory problems. Rabbits need to be cool in the summer so you must fix it so the air does not blow directly on the rabbits.
The lungs take in oxygen directly from the air.
Yes and no.There are not many blood vessels to supply oxygen to the eye. This is to keep the eye clear so we can see. The eye works around this by absorbing tears that have dissolved the oxygen in the air. The eye also gets its nutrients this way.So they eyes do not get their oxygen directly from the air but from tears that have dissolved oxygen directly from the air.
The lungs are the part of the human body that absorbs oxygen directly from the air. When you breathe, the lungs take in oxygen from the air and transfer it to the bloodstream to be transported to cells throughout the body.
Octopuses breathe air through gills, which extract oxygen from water. They can also absorb oxygen directly from the air through their skin.
The cornea in the eye does not receive oxygen from blood. Instead, it gets its oxygen directly from the air.
they absorb oxygen directly from the air without lungs.
Oxygen is a gas. Trees don't give only rabbits oxygen, they give everyone oxygen. Without oxygen, we would die.
Ability to react with oxygen in the air is a chemical property.
Dolphins actually have to surface to get oxygen from the air. Tuna and squid have special lungs called "gills" that allow them to remove oxygen directly from water.
Rabbits, like all mammals, have lungs, not gills. Lungs are the respiratory organs of mammals, including rabbits, and they are adapted for breathing air. Gills, on the other hand, are the respiratory organs of aquatic animals such as fish and some amphibians. Gills are specialized for extracting oxygen from water, whereas lungs are designed for extracting oxygen from the air. Rabbits breathe by inhaling air through their nostrils, which then passes into their lungs, where oxygen is exchanged with carbon dioxide in the blood.
Oxygen dissolves in the ocean, and all species which dwell in the water have access to that dissolved oxygen. A jellyfish is surrounded by it, and can absorb it directly into its body.