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They might shelter in cave entrances - if there are any caves in cheetah country, of course! They are not cave-dwelling animals as such.

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8mo ago

No, cheetahs do not live in caves. They typically seek shelter in tall grasses, bushes, and rocky outcrops to rest and hide from predators. Caves are not a typical habitat for cheetahs.

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Where do cheetahs live - cave or jungle?

Neither. Cheetahs live on the African savanna. It's mostly grasslands.

What do cheetahs live in?

Cheetahs live in the open on the savanna and do not build any form of shelter.

Do cheetahs live in a den or cave?

no actually they do I researched online and yes, cheetahs live in small dens or caves.

Do cheetahs live in countries?

Cheetahs live in Africa and Western Asia. Cheetahs live in Africa but rare sightings say that some cheetahs have traveled to Australia. cheetahs mostly live in Africa

On which continent do cheetahs live?

cheetahs live in africa

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No cheetahs can not live in houses

Do cheetahs live in Austria?

No, cheetahs do not live in Austria.

Do cheetahs live in holes?

No, cheetahs do not live in holes.

Does the cheetah live in the desert or the rain forest?

It would not survive long in the desert not many animals live there. They live in the Savannah.Cheetahs live on the African savannah. This is not a desert, but is a very dry environment. There are not many trees on the savannah, but there is lots of grass and small bushes. The cheetah needs open space in order to run, and would not be able to run as far in a forest.No. Cheetahs prefer open country, but not that open.yes

Do cheetahs live in the Arctic?

No, cheetahs only live in Africa.

Where do cheetahs live and why?

Cheetahs don't live in the rainforest. They live on the savanna or grasslands.

What is cheetahs habitat?

cheetahs mostly live in plain land in the southern side of Africa