"The Spider and the Fly" is a cautionary poem about a cunning spider who uses flattery to lure a naive fly into his web. Despite the fly's initial wariness, she eventually falls prey to the spider's tricks and meets her demise. The story serves as a moral lesson about the dangers of flattery and manipulation.
A spider.
It means the spider won't be hungry today.
Well, honey, the artist probably wanted to show the power dynamics between the nobleman and the peasant. The nobleman is the big bad spider, preying on the peasant like a helpless little fly. It's a classic metaphor for how the rich and powerful exploit the poor and vulnerable.
They make spider webs, which some sticky thing that makes the fly stick to it.
the fly came first because if the spider came first, how would it survive?
a fly because she is a spider.
a fly because she is a spider.
Because the Spider has special legs so it doesn't get stuck
no a spider monkey can not fly
In the word "spider," the letter "i" has a short vowel sound. It sounds like "ih" as in "sit" or "in."
"The Spider and the Fly" is a cautionary poem about a cunning spider who uses flattery to lure a naive fly into his web. Despite the fly's initial wariness, she eventually falls prey to the spider's tricks and meets her demise. The story serves as a moral lesson about the dangers of flattery and manipulation.
First, get a wolf spider, a fly, and a camera. Place the spider and fly into a jar with lid. Watch until the spider grabs the fly and take picture. Thats all there is to it!
Spider. The fly and the beetle just watch the action.
The Spider and the FlyMary Howitt
Find the spider in the haunted house,Then you click on it.Get the broom below the spider and fly up.
The Spider and the Fly - 1899 was released on: USA: August 1899